It is already clear to those of us who are alert to this sort of thing that the Trump presidency is not going to be like others within my lifetime.
Donald Trump, a person who is known to be a serial commiter of fraud, a racist who has used racism to discrimate against people of color, is now surrounding himself with racist advisors. His words have ignited white racial hatred and emboldened people who seemed tolerant, but who must have harbored racist intentions for years or even decades.
Donald Trump is acting out the fascist, autocratic playbook. While people on both the left and right have feared from leaderrs they didn't vote for, like George W. Bush and Barack Obama, that they would suspend elections, this has never been a real threat.
It is a real threat now. Donald Trump seems likely to bring actual fascism and its consequences to America.
What can you do about it?
Don't "give him a chance." Trump supporters are already looking to justify a registry for Muslims. As has been pointed out many times, Muslims make up a quarter of the world's population. If they were our enemy as a bloc, we would not be here.
There are a large number of Americans, who support and love America as a place of reedom. And many of them are Muslim. If we let the new admistration register Muslims, we are on the slippery slope toward a humanitarian tragedy.
If you're on Twitter, follow Sarah Kendzior @sarahkendzior on Twitter to learn more.
I keep seeing people looking for someone perfect. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Those who are arguing over the details and not doing anything while they wait to find a perfect solution are hindering our chances of getting out of this with the least harm to the most people.
Look for common ground. Protect vulnerable people. That is at the core. Don't turn your backs when you see wrong-dping. America's strength as a country is in our diversity. We have, until now, shown the world how it's done. (We have done an imperfect job, there is no question. But we have been progressing. We must continue our progress.)
Three problems are exacerbating things: climate change, overpopulation (planetwide), and technological advances that make human workers less necessary. These problems are going to continue to worsen. We can do things to mitigate them, but we have to work hard to make this happen. The president-elect doesn't seem to agree. He has his own agenda and it is not one which will make America great (again?) unless by great you ean white, straight and full of hate. None of this is going to solve these big problems.
I hope we'll come together to work toward solutions. It's incumbent upon us as citizens of the world to do everything we can to get past this hump. Hump? Mountain, more like.